Serving Opportunities
Faith Community Shelter - Sunday Meals
On Sundays our church provides an evening meal and overnight shelter for 15-20 folks in our community who don’t have a home.
We need your help to prepare and serve the evening meals! Whether you’re just available once to be a part of the crew, or you’re able to provide some of the food we need or the whole meal, we want to get you involved in this important ministry! Email us to get involved -
Tech Assistant
Lower your stress, and increase your overall sense of well-being
How, you ask? By volunteering one Sunday a month to assist our team in the production of our worship experience. Research shows that learning a new language (I-Pad) improves your brain function; working in community and making new friends lowers your stress and volunteering provides an overall sense of well-being!
There actually is very little to learn but all of the above holds true! Email us to get involved -
Sunday Liturgist
We would love to have you as a liturgist (reader) in one of our Sunday morning worship services. It's a wonderful way of serving!
Sign up for a Sunday using the link below to read live and in-the-flesh and we'll connect with you by e-mail on the Tuesday prior, sending all the information you'll need to be ready. Please use this link to sign up!
Sunday Social - Snack Volunteers
Sundays Peace Church offers beverages and snacks before and after our 10:30-11:30am worship. Friendly socializing builds community!
Sign up! to bring tasty and healthy snacks. Each week we like to share baked goods, fresh fruit, and always something for those on low sugar and gluten free diets.
Drop off in the kitchen anytime between 9:30 and 10:30am.
Contact Jane Heyse, Sunday Kitchen Coordinator with questions: or 831-252-9247