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Children, Youth & Families 

Peace United is home to a lively and diverse community of families and a generous circle of children! Children are a huge part of who we are and what we do at Peace!  They are welcomed and cherished at each and every one of our worship services. Each week, we worship and learn together as a community of all ages, and all kinds of families.


We have a dedicated space, called the Prayer Ground, available for families with small children to stretch out and enjoy some quiet activities during the "talkier" part of the service! We believe children learn best by being in the mix, watching and participating.

Moving forward, we hope to resume children's programs at PUCC so stay tuned for more exciting PUCC Kid's news! Thank you for sharing your family with us.


For more information about your family and how it fits at Peace,

contact us at 831-426-2010 or

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